Monday, July 1, 2013

Logbook Loans Can Turn the Situation Around

Financial problems can make anyone feel helpless. The most important things are love, happiness, health and family, which aren't for sale. The less tangible aspects of life, however, are impossible without a place to live, food, clothing, healthcare and all of the other needs that money does provide. It's easy to say that money isn't what life is about but it is also nearly impossible to live without it. Living hand-to-mouth, meaning that as soon as the money is placed in our hands we have to use it for food and other monthly expenses, leaves very little if anything left over. When something out of the ordinary happens, how are we supposed to pay for it? 

Obviously, the first thing to do is cut the monthly expenses as much as possible and try to get some side-income to supplement the family budget.  Looking for things to sell should be the next step. Jewelry will usually be easier to part with and bring in more money than technology. Collectors' items in the back of the storage unit would be a lucky find and it's often hard to predict what will end up being valuable. The sort of assets that fetch the best price for resale are, sadly, the sort of things most of us couldn't afford to begin with. As a last resort, it's often possible to cover a month's worth of expenses or more by selling the car.

Without the car, most families don't know how they would get to work or get the kids to school. It's a terrible catch 22 to find that cashing in on the only thing that makes life work may be the only way to afford to keep living. Depression often sets in because of the helplessness, which causes some people to lose hope, give up or even give in to vices and everything gets worse. 

There's an answer. Playing catch-up is possible with a logbook loan, giving the family a lump sum they can use rather than just leveraging the next paycheck with a simple payday advance. Within 24 hours the lenders are able to offer up to 90% of the car's value, no credit check required. The car stays with the family even though the lender keeps the logbook. Without having to change day to day life, the bank account gets a boost and everyone can breathe. If the payments are made and the loan is satisfied, the logbook comes back to the borrower without a problem.

Logbook loans won't solve negative cash flow problems if every month is in the red, but if some bills are late or some expenses have cropped up unexpectedly it can really help. Catching up on past-due problems can save enough money in late fees and interest to pay for the new loan payment. Taking control of the situation begins by bringing a few paycheck stubs and the loan logbook to a lender. You are not helpless--put on the signal and turn the situation around with a logbook loan.

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